
Tech­ni­cal Cen­ter

Test­ing under real con­di­ti­ons? Our tech­ni­cal cen­ter is the per­fect place to test your mate­ri­als with our tech­no­lo­gies. We would like to offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to find out more about our tech­ni­cal cen­ter and see our inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons and pro­ces­ses for yours­elf.


This is whe­re WE TEST AND DEVE­LOP

Your mate­ri­al meets our tech­no­lo­gies!

Tog­e­ther we test tri­als under real con­di­ti­ons - all in our tech­ni­cal cen­ter.

Sta­te-of-the-art test faci­li­ties are available at our sites, which we can use to exami­ne and opti­mi­ze various pro­cess para­me­ters. We are also hap­py to work tog­e­ther with our cus­to­mers so that we can offer the per­fect solu­ti­on later on. In this way, we ensu­re that our tech­no­lo­gy is opti­mal­ly adapt­ed to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. Car­ry­ing out tests in the pilot plant is a sen­si­ble invest­ment in order to opti­mi­ze the recy­cling pro­cess, mini­mi­ze risks, save cos­ts, pro­tect the envi­ron­ment and impro­ve the qua­li­ty of the recy­cled mate­ri­al.


Our tech­no­lo­gies in the tech­ni­cal cen­ter

Our mobi­le demons­tra­ti­on unit is sui­ta­ble for char­ging and dischar­ging cells, modu­les and sto­rage units up to 1000 V. We also have a test stand for com­bi­ned bat­tery crus­hing and dry­ing. It offers the opti­on of shred­ding LIBs in a vacu­um and/​or under an inert nitro­gen atmo­sphe­re. A sta­tio­na­ry impact reac­tor sys­tem is used for shred­ding and ultra-fine par­tic­le sepa­ra­ti­on for pre-trea­ted lithi­um-ion bat­te­ries.

Test Pro­cess

Opti­miza­ti­on of the recy­cling pro­cess

By car­ry­ing out tests in the tech­ni­cal cen­ter, we can opti­mi­ze the recy­cling pro­cess to ensu­re that it is effi­ci­ent, effec­ti­ve and eco­no­mic­al. We can test dif­fe­rent methods and para­me­ters to find the best cour­se of action.

Risk reduc­tion

Car­ry­ing out tests in the tech­ni­cal cen­ter can help mini­mi­ze risks and iden­ti­fy pro­blems at an ear­ly stage. For exam­p­le, we can iden­ti­fy and resol­ve poten­ti­al dif­fi­cul­ties in recy­cling cer­tain bat­tery types or sizes in advan­ce.

Cost saving

By car­ry­ing out tests in the tech­ni­cal cen­ter, we can also save cos­ts by ensu­ring that the recy­cling sys­tem is opti­mal­ly tail­o­red to the cus­to­mer’s requi­re­ments and needs. For exam­p­le, unneces­sa­ry invest­ments in expen­si­ve equip­ment or mate­ri­als can be avo­ided.

Envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion

Car­ry­ing out tests in the tech­ni­cal cen­ter can also help to mini­mi­ze the envi­ron­men­tal impact of the recy­cling pro­cess. By opti­mi­zing the pro­cess, emis­si­ons can be redu­ced and was­te avo­ided, for exam­p­le.

Qua­li­ty assu­rance

Tri­als in the tech­ni­cal cen­ter can also help impro­ve the qua­li­ty of the recy­cled mate­ri­al and ensu­re that it meets requi­re­ments and stan­dards.

Mitarbeiter der RET im Austausch zu Rohmaterial.

Request a try now!

Your mate­ri­al meets out tech­no­lo­gies.

We would like to offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to find out more about our tech­ni­cal cen­ter and to con­vin­ce yours­elf of our inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons and pro­ces­ses. Our tech­ni­cal cen­ter is the per­fect place to test your mate­ri­als with our tech­no­lo­gies. 

Our experts are available to pro­vi­de you with advice and sup­port and will work with you to find the ide­al com­bi­na­ti­on of mate­ri­al and tech­no­lo­gy.